Getting rid of the problem early is the biggest key to success. When looking at how to get rid of moles in the yard, there are a few things to consider. The three main options are using repellants, traps, and poisons. There are also two other methods that are used less often with not as much success and they include flooding their tunnels and placing mothballs around the holes. You might want to try these less common options since they are simple and are not costly, just do not expect great results from these attempts. The moles may likely move to a different area of the yard.
When you start to look for traps for moles, you have many options to choose from. Live mole traps may be used when you don't want to hurt the animals and you can also use regular traps. Using traps is a great way to get rid of your problem. Once they are caught, you are certain that they will no longer be a problem digging in your yard. I do not like to use poisons because I don't like handling them and you can never be sure what other animals may eat it. The last thing that you can try is repellant. There are a number of these available and some work more effectively than others. Get going today and finally stop your mole problems.
Check out this site for an exact method on how to get rid of moles in your yard that works every time:
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